The way we walk, move, sit, express ourselves with our bodies has a lot to teach us on our emotion and mental state. For example when people are asked to talk about something they are passionate about, you will see in their movements, tonality, hands gestures, the way their eyes open, their smile or seriousness, it all shown in non-verbal communication.
For a long time I felt that I want to correct my posture, It looked to me as if I am always bent forward, in a posture that closes the chest. I Interpreted it as a sign for shyness, low self-confidence, -misanthropy even at some points. Maybe the fear of being rejected or hurt has closed my body.
Clearly there were things to work on. So I started with “Alexander technique”. It was great and directed my attention to the habits of the body, reminded me what the “natural alignment” of the body is.
I knew all the anatomy from the Yoga instructor’s course, but somehow I couldn’t implement it in my life.
So it still took other steps for my posture to change. Only after I worked with a therapist/coach on some of my darkest lowering energies, and after NLP course that gave me tools to confront limiting believes I had, I could really see the change in the way I walk.
Even around the house I remind my-self to open the chest sometimes, to stretch it because I feel it has been closed. Rotating my shoulder blades back in few motions remind me to get back to natural alignment. In fact in Alexander technique you learn not to remind yourself or to make changes intentionally, but to let the gaze direct naturally the rest of your body, however, for me I found it better to remind myself with the help of some stretching.
Today when I walk in the streets I see that I am more open, my stance is stronger and more stable (thanks to Yoga), I use my muscles correctly when I stand and walk, I am aware of my movements.
Most of the times, unintentionally I walk and then I notice my chest is open :) It makes me so happy, because it shows that it was finally implemented.
Also With the help of affirmations about me being worthy :) and not letting fears affect my thinking.
These are old photos of me where you can see my poor posture, to see the situation today you are welcome to my Instagram page ;)