

Balance is a key part of our life, we eager to have life/work balance, we aspire to spend a balanced amount of time with our loved ones, with ourselves and for efficient causes. Balanced is to be open minded and learn to see both sides of every situation (or more if there are). Balanced is to eat healthy and well but know that it is fine to indulge from time to time. Balanced is not taking so hard everything :)

Sacral Chakra Yoga

Sacral Chakra Yoga

this chakra is about pleasure and enjoyment. Experiencing our lives through feelings and sensations. It is also about sensuality, connection and intimacy. Its colour is orange, when the chakra is balanced you can experience grounded intuition and emotional stability, when it is out of balance it could affect you with attachment issues, sexually-related guilt, timidity, emotional volatility.
This chakra is an important emotional centre.

Seasonal Yoga

In the NL you can see, smell, touch and feel the change of season. Temperatures really change in average, you need different set of clothing for each season, the colors of nature are strongly visible everywhere you go. In Spring you can also smell fertilizers on the ground (beside the blossom of flowers) and the days become soooooo long, you can actually see the course of the sun (from my apartment in the west).