Love and self Realization

Coupling is a thing we are grown to believe in. It is like a religion.

Since we are born, through the childhood stories (fantasies, fairy tales), via puberty and adulthood (movies, books, commercials, research, media), we are surrounded by the acknowledgment that people have to live in couples and procreate.
We have come to understand that every-one should aspire to be and live in a couple, otherwise they will not fulfill their purpose on earth.

Constant questioning your assumptions

As a human being, I tend to be introverted; I need breaks from social situations and people in order to recharge my battery. During this time alone I have found a beautiful internal world in myself that have helped me grow and evolve; enriched my knowledge, enlightened me and made me wiser, more intuitive, aware, mindful and connected with my body and subconscious.
I have been working on my self- development, my goals and purpose in life.

Of course you can do all that also when you are in a parity. If your relationship is healthy and both of the participants are also independent and free.

When you are in a couple, you expect your partner to be your “other half”, or even your better half. There is an expectation that the person who loves you, will also be in-love with you, will accept EVERY quirk or fault you have, will give you safety, security, friendship, support, maybe financial help.

The other person in a couple becomes your significant other which is intertwined in your life, and giving a purpose to it.

When you think about all your relationships, with your family, friends, colleagues and such – you can see – that the same feelings of safety, support, friendship, love, in-love, laughter, respect and even sexuality comes with every one of them. Sometimes in a small dosage, sometimes in big quantities.

When you are immersed in every situation and relationship in your life – you are bound to receive all this goodness. From every relationship you have.

Everything in life is fleeting and temporary. I try to utilize the fullest from every situation, when I’m with a good friend, when I talk to my family members, when I share my dreams and ideas with people, when I work and achieve my goals in life. This is how I feel alive and fulfill.

What I’m trying to say is this:

Don’t wait for someone to fulfill you. Don’t wait for someone to fall in love with you. Love yourself, know yourself. Do things for yourself and for your surroundings.
Love without a limit, dependency or attachment. Just love. First and for all – love yourself and fulfill yourself without relation to society rules or cultural assumptions.
Don't look at yourself through the eyes of the other only, learn to evaluate yourself and to empower yourself from within - it is a great gift.